Share Market
Share Market Glossary:
Arbitrage : Business of buying in one exchange and selling in another to take advantage of price differences.Auction : A mechanism used by the Stock Exchange to fulfill its obligation to the buyer of a security. It is done when the seller is unable to deliver the scrips sold by him. The security in question is offered by a member who has ready possession of the scrips.
Bear : An operator who expects the share price to fallBear Market : A weak and falling market where buyers are absentBlue Chips : Shares of financially sound, well established companies with a track record of good growth and regular payment of dividends.Bonus Shares : Shares allotted to the existing shareholders by capitalising the reserves into additional capital. When market expects a company to come out with a Bonus Issue, the price of the shares normally goes up.Book Closure : A company closes its register of members for updating the records to facilitate payment of dividends or issue of rights of bonus shares. Book closure is the period during which this process is done and deliveries are not effected in the clearing house.Bourse : A Stock ExchangeBull : An operator who expects the share price to rise and takes position in the market to sell at a later date.Bull Market : A rising market where buyers far outnumber the sellers
Call Option : An option where the buyer gets the right to buy the underlying security at a specified future date.Carry Forward : Settlement where positions are carried forward from one settlement to another settlement.Cash Settlement : Payment for transactions done in one settlement on the due date.Circuit Breaker : A mechanism used to restrain the market when it gets overheated. The Exchange may relax the limit after a cooling off period of about half an hour.Clearing House : It is a legal counter party to both legs of every trade. The netted purchase and sale positions of the trading Members are settled through the Clearing House.Company Objection : In some cases, the companies send back the certificates received for transfer citing reasons for their inability to do so. The letter sent by the Company is known as Company Objection.Cum Bonus : A share is described as cum bonus when the purchaser is entitled for current bonusCum Dividend : A shares is described as cum dividend when the purchaser is entitled for current dividendCum Rights : A share is described as cum rights when the purchaser is entitled for current rights
Day Order : The quantity that remains untraded is not cancelled until the end of the day.Dealer : A Dealer is a user who works on behalf of the Trading MemberDelivery Based Trading : When a share is bought or sold for the purpose of receiving or effecting deliveries.Dematerialisation : Process of converting a security from physical form to electronic formDerivatives : A financial contract between two or more parties and it is derived from the future value of an underlying asset.Disclosed Quantity : An order entered in the system wherein only a fraction of the order quantity is disclosed to the market.Dividend : Cash payment made to the shareholders out of the profits of the company.Ex Bonus : A share is described as Ex Bonus when the buyer is not entitled for the Bonus. The seller remains the beneficiary.Ex Dividend : A share is described as Ex Dividend when the buyer is not entitled for the Dividend. The seller remains the beneficiary.Ex Rights : A share is described as Ex Rights when the buyer is not entitled for the Rights. The seller remains the beneficiary.Expiry Date : The date and time after which a writer of an option cannot exercise his rights.Exposure Limit : The limit allowed to the Broker by the Exchange or to the customer by broker. It is the total value upto which one is allowed to hold open positions at any point of time.Futures Contract : An agreement between parties for a specified asset for performance on a fixed date in future.Hedging : It is protecting an existing asset position from an adverse future position. A hedger takes an equal and opposite position in the futures market to the one he holds in the equity market.Insider Trading : Trading carried out by people who have access to non public price sensitive information.Limit Order : A buy or sell order where price is specified at the time of order entryLong Position : A bull position in a securityMargin : An upfront payment made by the customer to take position in the market. His exposure limit is fixed based on the margin money brought in by him.Mark To Market : A notional profit or loss of a long or short position as compared to the current market price.Market Order : An order where no price specification is mentioned at the time of placementNSCCL : National Securities Clearing Corporation Limited. The Clearing Corporation of the National Stock Exchange.NSE : National Stock ExchangeOffer : The price at which a share is available in the marketOffer Price : The price at which a company offers its shares to the public through issue of a prospectusOrder Cancellation : A facility available in the trading system where one is allowed to cancel the order placed earlier.Order Modification : A facility available in the trading system where one is allowed to modify an earlier order.Pay In : The designated day on which the members pay securities and funds to the clearing housePay Out : The designated day on which the Clearing House effects payment and deliveries to the membersPrice Band : It sets up the upper and lower limits for a share's movement on any given day. It is based on the previous trading day's closing price. The system will not accept the orders that are out of bound.Price Rigging : A process where persons collude to artificially increase or decrease the price of a securityPut Option : An option where the buyer gets the right to sell the underlying security at a specified future date.Quote : Prices at which a share can be bought or soldRecord Date : The date on which the beneficial owner of the Corporate Benefits is determined.Rematerialisation : Process of converting the shares from electronic form to physical formRights Issue : Issue of new share to the existing shareholders at a price which is normally lower than the current market price of the old shares. It is issued in a fixed ratio to the those shares which are already held.SEBI : The Securities Exchange Board of India, the regulatory body controlling the functioning of Stock Exchanges in India.Stop Loss Order : An order placed with a 'trigger price'. It is placed to minimise the losses and the order can be either for a purchase or a sale.Volume : The total number of shares that are transacted in a scrip. It helps in analyzing and understanding the reasons behind price
General Market Advice: 1. Never chase a stock.2. Buy when markets are in the grip of panic.3. Only buy fundamentally strong stocks, which are undervalued.4. Buy stocks grown in top line and bottom line over the past years.5. Invest in companies with proven management.6. Avoid loss-making companies.7. PE Ratio and Growth in earnings per share are the key.8. Look for the dividend paying record.9. Invest in stocks for sure returns.10. Stocks have been the high yielding asset class over the past.11. Stocks are an asset class.12. The basic property of any asset class is to grow.13. Buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone buys.14. Invest a fixed amount each month.Last But not least Trust our tips and then invest to earn huge profitClick here for Indian stock market tips Sharetipsinfo Team